
Green On Foliar (500ml)


Green On Foliar stimulates leave growth and nutrient absorption. The booster supplements plant feeding and gives exceptional results especially when applied during nutrient deficiency spells. It stimulates activity in the leaves which in turn stimulates root development. It is rich with extra NPK and trace elements like Mg, B, Fe, Zn etc.

It increases nutrient absorption from the soil by encouraging plants to take up more water, in addition to providing immediate benefits for a plant which may be suffering from deficiency.

Good supplement, good health, good results!

521 in stock

SKU: A0201 Category:


Green On Foliar stimulates leave growth and nutrient absorption. The booster supplements plant feeding and gives exceptional results especially when applied during nutrient deficiency spells. It stimulates activity in the leaves which in turn stimulates root development. It is rich with extra NPK and trace elements like Mg, B, Fe, Zn etc.

It increases nutrient absorption from the soil by encouraging plants to take up more water, in addition to providing immediate benefits for a plant which may be suffering from deficiency.

Good supplement, good health, good results!

  • Handcrafted from land plants and mined minerals from the earth.
  • Contains no animal origin ingredients or GMO infested chicken manure.
  • NPK booster of n-n-n makes this a great fertilizer supplement at all stages of plant growth cycle and all seasons. This enables plants to continue to feed and prepare to bloom and bare fruits.
  • Direct molecular feeding reduces stress, gives immediate results.
  • Sustainably made in the Malaysia through a collaboration of high level environmentalists inspired to positively change the world.